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Recent events have disrupted travel plans for consumers and businesses, and attitudes toward travel are shifting rapidly. The result is likely to be dramatic increase in use of the Web in lieu of personal visits for shopping, business-to-business purchases and interpersonal communications. (ActivMedia, 2001)



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Web Site Design and Development
The first step in designing a web site is defining your goals for that site. Whether your main goal is extra advertising, or to increase sales by offering products online, TCData Web Design can help. We start by offering a free consultation, where we meet with you to learn all we can about your company and industry, define and prioritize your goals, and determine the best solution for your company to meet those goals. We will also cover the navigational elements of the web site, your company's logo, and the look and feel that you want your web site to have. We don't create "cookie-cutter" web sites, we provide a unique web site for each of our clients based on their individual needs.

The second step involves the design staff creating two templates for you to review. If you like one of them, we will then move on to step three. If you like aspects of each or have other ideas you would like to add we will create a third template based on your comments after reviewing the first two. Once we have your O.K. on a template, we move forward to step three.

The third step is creating your web site based on the template you have chosen. This is where we create each individual page and add the content you have provided. This is also a good time to review the navigational design determined in step one and make sure that it allows for easy growth of your web site as well as the ability to quickly and easily find the information you need. The last part of step three is making your site live!

Web Site Re-Design
If you have a web site that needs to be brought up-to-date, or that no longer meets the companies online goals, we will Re-Design your Internet presence according to your needs. We follow the same basic steps for re-designing a current site that we follow for designing a new web site.

Web Site Maintenance
Once you have an online presence that you are happy with, it is time to look at maintaining it. As your company changes and grows you will need your web site to reflect those changes. This can mean anything from changing the wording in a sentence to adding or removing products or pages.

Search Engine Positioning
After your web site is completed it is time to advertise. We can help you decide on the most relevant keywords for your web site, optimize your pages for those keywords, and submit you to the major search engines (Yahoo!, LookSmart, Open Directory, EntireWeb, ExactSeek, Google, Tygo, MSN Search, and Yahoo Web Results). If you are getting a new web site or a web site re-design through TCData Web Design we will go over your keywords during the free consultation so that the entire site is built with your search engine positioning goals in mind. We will also provide you with a monthly report as to how well your web site is ranking in those search engines under those keywords and offer suggestions on how to improve your rankings if necessary. After all, a web site that can't be found doesn't do much good for generating new customers or clients!

We realize that many companies offer to submit you to hundreds or thousands of search engines for a low one-time fee. These plans do not work. The reason they don't work is that you need to continually submit to the major engines in order to insure your listing and getting the results you want takes time. Most of the search engines that these companies will submit your site to are rarely, if ever, used. They have databases that can only hold a certain number of URL's (links) and they are setup on an "in the order in which you were received" basis. So every time another site is submitted to these engines, your site gets knocked down closer to the bottom of the list, and when they have received as many submissions as their database can hold your site is no longer in their database. Depending on the size of the database this can take anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks. Remember, more than 90% of all searches performed on the Internet are performed on Yahoo!, the rest of them are split up between the other major search engines listed above.

Many companies who promise immediate results are using methods that the search engine companies consider "spamming". Sometimes these methods work and are overlooked by the search engines, but frequently they are caught. When they are caught the response is either a demotion of the ranking for that web site, or complete deletion from their search engine and a banning of that URL from future listings.

Don't trust your search engine positioning to just anyone! Contact TCData Web Design today, we know what works! - For more information please check out our Pricing page

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